Friday, August 27, 2010

Just checking if I still remember how to do this

After attending 3 different weddings in Europe this Summer, I am now home until March 2011 when I hope to go to Kuala Lumpur for SWEA International's World Meeting there. Two weddings were in England (niece and nephew) and one i Sweden (friend's daugher). Each time I went I spent about 10 days in Europe (twice with my sister outside London and my last trip which was in August I spent with my friend Gunilla in Malmö.)

Emma and Brandon
Paula and Robin
Lina and Phil
  This week-end is the 1-year anniversary of Sam and Richie's wedding and they are away for a "romantic week-end" by themselves. Wyatt is with the other Grandmother and I have the dog, Dio - 8 months old Rotweiler, who is already HUGE! He gets along with Mac and Willie splendidly.

Kim has moved to Belmont - literally around the corner from Sam and she is very happy with the move. On Sunday we'll be going to IKEA - where else?? - for supplies.