In the evening I was invited with the SWEA VIPs to the resident of the Swedish ambassador to Malaysia. It was a lovely house, but unfortunately Sweden is closing even this embassy in a few months. (They have already closed New York and LA and maybe even more - I don't know). The ambassador and his wife welcomed us all and then the ambassador disappeared because this was just ladies night. The wife is a member of SWEA as well. We were served a very tasy buffet and the tables were set outside. It was quite warm but they did have some fans blowing, which helped. We were a lively crowd and the sound level was up really high. Us Swedish women are known to be quite loud when we get together, but oh, it is so much fun!
Tomorrow we are going on an all day tour to Malacca.
Jättekul att följa Dina äventyr i Kuala Lumpur, Simpan! Jag kan tänka mig att det var högljutt värre på ambassaden när alla SWEor satt i trädgården och babblade!
ReplyDeleteVi saknade Dig på Mahjonggen i dag hos Ilona! Vill inte säga vem som sa Mahjongg flest gånger!! Skynda Dig hem, så Du kan åka med till Vermont för en Marathon Mahjongg. Jag tror det blir 2-3 april.
Kram, gittan