Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Sunday 3/20/11 – Travelling to Borneo

At 6:20 am we boarded the buses for the hour long drive to the airport. It took a long time checking in, but security was a laugh! But we liked it because we could bring our water bottles, keep our shoes and clothes on and my artificial knee didn’t even set off the alarm. I think maybe they were fake, because I have never been able to go through security after I got my knee and not to set it off! The flight was about 2 ½ hours and we were served chicken and noodles at 10 am! A guide met us at the airport with buses to take us to our hotel. It is a very nice resort right on the water.

We were given about 30 minutes to get into our rooms and change for a boat trip to an island for snorkeling and BBQ lunch on the beach. We had to wait quite a while for the boats, but that was OK. Once we arrived to the island (which was rather touristy – yeah, I know we ARE tourists, but we feel we are kinda’ special!) However, the BBQ lunch was plentiful and very good with a big variety of eatables. After lunch some took a dip in the ocean, but there was not much snorkeling. It also started to rain. First it was just a very light rain while we were eating (outdoors) but it was warm so we didn’t care. But – as we started back to the boat the sky opened up with full force and there came a hard tropical rain. The boat was going really fast and between the rain and the sea spray it was actually quite painful, like little needles pricking you face. Naturally we all got totally soaked and to cheer ourselves up we started to sing mixed with hysterical laughter. It was actually a lot of fun and we all looked like drenched rats. Quite the sight!

Back to the hotel for showers and dry clothes. We are meeting in the bar at 7 pm. Hopefully we can get an early night because we have to get up before 4 am. Breakfast at 4:30 am and the bus leaves for the airport at 5:15 am!

We did meet at the bar for some snacks and drinks. The service was VERY slow. We had asked how many pieces were in a serving of chicken/cheese croquets. They told us 2 and the size of a cheese doodle. So we ordered 2 servings for Ninni and me. When they came there were 5 (yes five) pieces the size of knockwursts!! We could manage 2 each and then we gave the rest away. Everybody was very tired so now it is 9:21pm and we are ready for bed. The alarm is set for 3:45am, Ugh! Sigh! Some vacation!

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